Went to the OC Fair with Nick yesterday! I have to say, it was one of the most fun nights I've had this summer.

I wish I could tell you that I ate heaps of things that were never meant to enter a deep fryer but did, or that I won one of the pikachus that were 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide, but we spent most of the night walking around the fair enjoying the sights and smells but mostly, each other. And yes, I would have loved to have a giant pikachu or deep fried kool aid, but I had my man and a dole whip - and that's all that mattered.

My favorite part of the night was sitting at the top of the ferris wheel. Looking out over cities at night is one of my favorite sights to see. Maybe it's being with Nick that makes everything more beautiful to me, but man, Costa Mesa at night is one of the most gorgeous things. The weather was perfect, the breeze was soft, and Nick's kisses were warm. In life, it often feels like I'm being pushed and pulled in many different directions, but right at that moment, I knew that I was truly meant to be right there in Nick's arms.

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